If we think of sweatshirts, the first thing that comes to mind is not exactly Lady Di. Possibly Kanye West, Billy Eilish or even Will Smith would come to mind much earlier. However, we all remember those iconic images of Diana of Wales with tights, sweatshirt and some of her pairs of 'dad shoes' (which are nothing more than the modern version of the typical running sneakers of the 90s) . So the princess introduced a new possibility in our imagination -and in our wardrobe-: sportswear may be the best option for our day-to-day life.
Maybe not for an important meeting or for a special event, but for everything else, I assure you that this outfit can hit the spot perfectly. Above all, taking into account the revival of the nineties that the fashion industry is experiencing -tank tops, straight jeans and spaghetti straps are unquestionable proof of this, but we'll talk about that another time-. So, what better time to pay our little tribute to one of the most influential trendsetters of recent decades, recreating one of her most photographed looks.
The most important part to recreate this outfit is, without a doubt, the sweatshirt; It will depend on it that our look is too sporty, and it is not what we are looking for. We must choose an oversize model, yes, but not in excess. With some front detail that attracts attention, and preferably without a hood. If to this we add some cycling tights, some socks above the ankles and the aforementioned 'dad shoes', the result will be a nineties style, suitable for any occasion and very royal. And the best? At Esdemarca we have all the necessary garments to carry it out, and we leave them to you below. As a last tip, add a jacket. Trust me, she looks much better than she looks.
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