The plane takes to the runway, the train arrives at its destination, the ship docks or the once endless hours by car finally come to an end. This can only mean one thing: we have reached our destination. Whether you prefer the beach or the mountains, at Esdemarca we have compiled some infallible tricks to prepare the perfect luggage that will delight your next adventure. 3… 2… 1… We take off!
The good weather is coming, and with it the getaways, vacations and, ultimately, the trips. Whether you're more adventurous or relaxing, when it's time to go to our favorite destination, a small conflict always arises with the 'suitcase theme' (beloved and hated luggage!). What if it doesn't close, what if I carry more, what if I leave something... in short, as much as we like to travel, going through the process of preparing the suitcase is always a nuisance. At Esdemarca we are aware, and that is why we have prepared a list of infallible tips to take with you what is just and necessary and not miss anything once you arrive at your destination. So keep reading, take notes, and bon voyage!
1. Find your perfect suitcase
If our trip is less than a week, our advice is that unless it is essential, it is not worth checking in. This way we save queues and we won't waste time waiting for our suitcase to come off the belt or, worse, get lost. In addition, when it comes to moving with it through our destination it will be much less cumbersome.
But of course, everything has its pros and cons, and the reduced space of a cabin suitcase forces us to choose very carefully what we decide to include. Four-wheeled options are the best in this case, since we can carry them vertically and they make it much easier to move around the airport or the city. It can also be a good choice to opt for a rigid: we already know that (especially) in airports, the size is measured with a magnifying glass, and if we can make sure that our luggage complies with the measures established by the company we will save ourselves unnecessary scares. If, on the contrary, we opt for a larger suitcase, the two wheels will allow more weight to be supported. To this end, a cloth suitcase allows us to expand a little that space that we need so much.
2.The toiletry bag: an essential
A toiletry bag with some essentials is another essential item in any self-respecting luggage. Regardless of how long we plan to be away, sunscreen or cleanser should go with us wherever we go (yes, even if you don't plan on going to the beach, you should apply sunscreen EVERY day), as well as obviously include our toiletries. personal cleanliness. Carrying all these little things organized in a cosmetic bag as cool as the ones we propose will be a guaranteed success. In addition, including a toiletry bag allows us to take other items that, believe me, we will need: good sunglasses or a portable battery for what may happen, they cannot be missing in ours.
3. Basic, versatile and combinable
And we go with our favorite part, the clothes. Wearing basics is the best in these cases, garments that solve more than one look. Sportswear is also a guaranteed success; leggings or a sweatshirt allow us to explore the countryside or the city super comfortable and, with the right accessories, also fashionable. But the most important thing is, without a doubt, knowing how to leave behind. If we have 5 thick sweaters that we love, we should choose, for example, two, and combine them with thinner layers that do not occupy as much.
If we do not want to fill our suitcase with a thousand pieces of clothing, it is best to include several thermal shirts and leggings. Thus, although the layers are in trend, we can save a lot of space and get incredible street style outfits without having to be cold and wrapped in millions of coats and scarves. To organize yourself, introducing clothes by looks and with the classic tip of rolling up instead of folding is the most practical. Thus, once at the destination we will not go crazy searching, and also when checking that we do not forget anything we will better visualize what we have and what we do not.
And since a good trip is unpredictable and there are times for everything, we cannot forget a more classic and elegant option for possible dinners, engagements or parties that may arise. This time we will focus more on the versatility of the garments. For example, a basic shirt or blouse can perfectly act as another layer by putting it under a sweater, as an over shirt if we wear it open on top of a T-shirt, or as the main top if we have an event.
And so that it doesn't get wrinkled before we arrive, there are two little tricks that work quite well. For example, place the items that weigh the most in the lower part of the suitcase so that they do not exert pressure. Another option would be to place the most delicate garments on top of the others that we have previously rolled up, but this time folded. We can help ourselves with sheets of onion paper; placed between the clothes they will make this tent slide instead of being trapped, and we will save ourselves from the dreaded wrinkles (and the even more dreaded iron).
4. Attention to footwear
When it comes to footwear, the best thing to do is, in addition to, as we all know, putting on the heaviest and bulkiest pair on the day we travel, paying attention to how we store them. So that they do not dirty our clothes and do not take up too much, a tip would be to store them by inserting the sole into the typical shower caps. Yes, we did say shower caps. This way they will take up much less space than putting them in bags and more bags. Also, if we keep the socks that we are going to use inside the shoes, two for one.
Regarding the characteristics, the ideal would be to wear comfortable shoes, with a sole that allows us to take long walks, but without sacrificing style -we have already seen that in these cases versatility is essential-. We must also include some flip flops (whether we go to a coastal destination or not), since in addition to taking up little space, you never know when we may need them and they will always come in handy to be in the hotel or accommodation that we choose.
5. 'Just in case'
The less, the better. Still, there are certain items that never hurt to include. A fanny pack is one of them, as is a bathing suit, many pairs of socks, briefs and panties (there are never too many) and some warm clothing in case it gets cold. Then, to suit the consumer: there are those who add a thousand accessories and who forget even the belt. Be that as it may, we recommend placing scarves, belts, hats, ties... in short, anything that can elevate our outfit, in the corners of our suitcase. This way we will take advantage of that space and we will be able to change our look at any time.
Now that you know how to prepare your luggage like a professional, all you have to do is dive into our website. Your next adventure begins with Esdemarca.
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