These shoes are designed to keep active little feet comfortable and withstand whatever the day throws at them. Timberland®'s heritage of designing outdoor gear is present in every detail of these timeless shoes, as evidenced by their premium leather uppers and lightweight, comfortable OrthoLite® midsole. Plus, the "Does it Fit?" indicator allows you to get the perfect fit every time.
Certified Tannery
One or more of the main components use at least 50% leather tanned in a silver-certified facility certified by an external environmental audit. The Leather Working Group evaluates and classifies these tanneries based on energy consumption, waste generation and disposal, and water treatment.
ReBOTL fabric
This environmentally friendly fabric is made from RPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate) textile fibre filament, created from recycled non-biodegradable PET plastic bottles. This material allows us to design products made with 50% recycled PET content, in order to almost completely reduce the environmental impact of certain production processes.
Ortholite insoles
Comfortable ORTHOLITE® foam insoles provide moisture transport, a function that inhibits bacterial growth, and long-term cushioning. The highly breathable material will not break down or lose cushioning over time, adding support and comfort to your footwear.
Recycled Content
Composition with at least 50% recycled material to reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing.
* The W in the size indicates a wide fit, while the M refers to a narrow fit.
Reference: TB0A2CWT2881
100% original product.
Esdemarca · Copyright © Fusion Lab, S.L. 2025 B66138827 · Manzanares, 4, 28005 Madrid (Spain)
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